Setting up your Google Ads account

Once you’ve figured out why you need Google Ads and what exactly helps you, it’s time to take action. The first and most important step is to create your account. Once you’ve created a new account with a trusted email address and password, you’ll need to set up your account to get the best results.

Set up a Google Ads account

To have a Google Ads account you require the following steps:

  1. Create a Google Account or use your existing Google Account – to create a new account
  2. Create an Adwords account – to set up a new account (choose New Google Ads account)
  3. Target setting – where you want your ads to appear
  4. Select the category of products and services offered – pick the one that suits you
  5. Create the actual ad – here you can put random data to finish setting up your account as soon as possible
  6. Set phone number and random budget
  7. Set the campaign name
  8. The last step – setting the payment method – is by far the most important step of the campaign (don’t forget to enter the company’s CUI), you can decide to make manual or automatic payments. Manual payment means that you set a certain amount for that campaign, and at the end of the campaign, you pay to continue your ad. Automatic payments mean payments without your involvement and campaigns that run continuously without your supervision.
  9. Click Submit – then stop this test campaign. To stop the test ad, click the Pause campaign where you see pending written.

For your first real campaign, you’ll need to change the previously entered data with real and relevant data for your company and business. Each piece of information is useful because you can pay for Google Ads at your own expense.

You can download bills from Billing and Payments. For automatic payments, the facts are issued on the 5th of the month for the total amount spent in the previous month. If you pay manually, Google issues an invoice for each payment. From now on, the ad text depends on your creativity and goals.

In conclusion, setting up your Google Ads account is quick and easy if you carefully follow these steps.

Until the next lesson, good luck setting up your Google Account! To be continued…



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